4 months ago you said to wait.
now you're not even looking at me in the eye. i hate how things are so awkward between us.
(You can skip this part.) Hi, my name is Sheryl and I'm fifteen. I can skip lunch and dinner on days but eat non-stop on others. I think I'm fat. I'm really so painfully shy you wouldn't believe it. I hate how things are so awkward between us.
Codes: Huiting
Designer: SherylF. Pls don't ever ever rip this. It was painful to draw and because of this I probably wasted enough time to prolly memorize another chapter of my cursed Physics or Bio.
Image references: 123
lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009, 12:30
Me encanta cuendo llueve. Con solo sentir el olor a la lluvia y luego verla caer, es como si sus gotas se llevaran mis problemas y miedos, dejando en mi tranquilidad.